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Member: whittler113
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The winter snow is just to the top of our garden fence.


talsi - Feb 20, 2008 09:21 AM EDT
That's a lot of snow.
whittler113 - Feb 16, 2008 04:13 PM EDT
Thanks for the great comments Ann and Lorraine this much snow is a bit above normal for us here.It hasn't been bad for me but one of my neighbors has lost his garage from the snow.I do try to keep it shoveled down a bit.
lorraine - Feb 16, 2008 02:22 PM EDT
Thats alot of snow, a fantastic image for those of us who dont get snow in the winter, and have no idea just how bad it gets for you. Thanks for sharing.
A.Lovely - Feb 16, 2008 12:42 PM EDT
This puts a smile on my face. Anyone who lives in Maine knows how it is to lose sight of many things in our yards during "this" year of snow.

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