Female hummingbird

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Member: shutterbug
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About This Image

Female hummingbird at the feeder this morning.


Janice Romano - Sep 04, 2008 07:38 PM EDT
Great shot, and what a pretty feeder, too.
shutterbug - Aug 19, 2008 06:36 AM EDT
Thanks Mary,Lorraine and Alan for the lovely comments.I have to admit Im hooked on Hummers. While on vacation in NY my daughter bought us a lovely birdbath that has hummingbirds painted on its base and Alex bought me a Beautiful unbrella. You guessed it, Hummingbirds all over it.
marysham - Aug 18, 2008 04:51 PM EDT
Another great capture Carol. The larger version is beautiful. I agree with the other comments...unusual feeder...very pretty.
lorraine - Aug 18, 2008 04:20 PM EDT
Lovely image, and the feeder also caught my eye, very nice.
bubbalinn - Aug 18, 2008 01:28 PM EDT
Wow! What a beautiful photo.. The Hummer sure looks happy and enjoying the drink. Great background I like the yellow flowers that adds more color to the view. The reflection in the bottom of the feeder bottle of the other flowers is perfect. That is the prettiest feeder I have ever seen, your really spoiling them you know :)

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