Female Cardinals

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Score: 24.74
Views: 787
Member: poppy
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Two female Eastern Cardinals perched side by side.


Jul 29, 2024 10:53 AM EDT

fervent temple

ArturoAluro - Sep 26, 2022 02:45 PM EDT
caveat civil calcium bag33ondu.com bag33ondu.com http://bag33ondu.com some some day projector
A.Lovely - Sep 27, 2011 12:31 PM EDT
Such a clear and colorful capture of these two cardinals. So wonderfully captured. A joy to view.
donwrob - Feb 04, 2009 10:55 AM EDT
Great capture of the pair of females poppy! I know you mentioned trying to get a M/F pair, you're getting closer. I'm sure you will have one soon. I bet those two are mother and daughter. I had 3 females at the same time in the backyard Dogwood the other day, but they sure didn't seem like friends....lol. Did nothing but threaten one another. Super pretty capture you got here! Don Bruce, go ahead and re-morgage and get one buddy. You won't regret it I'm sure. I have a couple of "L" zooms that are very good glass, but the primes like the 300mm F4.0 Poppy used for this shot seem to be the highest rated glass. And it sure shines in poppy's hands. You only live once, right? :-) Don
Alfresco - Feb 03, 2009 05:23 PM EDT
Very nice image, well composed, great color, sharp, good "bokeh". Aside from the obvious skill involved, it seems like the majority of the very best shots on TLF are taken with Canon "L" lenses. Wish I could justify an upgrade!
sparkle1103 - Feb 03, 2009 04:21 PM EDT
What a beautiful pair of female cardinals.
JulieMetott - Feb 03, 2009 04:17 PM EDT
They look like old friends visiting! Nice Shot!
Karen Moen - Feb 03, 2009 02:46 PM EDT
Beautifully captured. I wonder if they are related.
talsi - Feb 03, 2009 09:45 AM EDT
How Nice!

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