Feeding Time!

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Member: Jocelynne
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Another with the awesome zoom lens. Look at the detail!

And see the little one at the bottom? Can't even reach to get some food! Aww! :(


bubbalinn - May 24, 2008 02:10 PM EDT
What a awesome photo of mom feeing the little ones. I'm so jealous :) Wonderful nature view!!
Karen Moen - May 24, 2008 02:01 PM EDT
Great nature shot. That little one was probably the last one hatched and so it is quite a bit younger than the bigger babies.
sparkle1103 - May 23, 2008 01:01 AM EDT
What a beautiful sight. Sure looks like the mama robin has enough worms to feed the crew.
alandrapal - May 22, 2008 11:47 PM EDT
Wow! what a large load of worms mama Robin has. wonder how she distributes them amongst the hungry babies. Oh, almost missed seeing the little one, - he's being trampled down by the older and stronger ones. Hope he survives.

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