Federal Hill

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Almost 200 years ago, Baltimoreans watched from "the hill" as the British tried to over take Baltimore. With smoke and gunfire filling the Harbor, the British Troops were on the move. Thanks to 2 locals, Wells and McComas, the British General Ross never "dined in Baltimore" as he had predicted earlier in the day. As the British General lay dying, Wells and McComas were then shot and killed by the British Troops. It was too late now: without the leadership of General Ross, the British were done. As the night turned into day, Francis Scott Key saw the American Flag still flying high at Fort McHenry. The rest is history !


Hey girl, you have i

Camilo - Oct 13, 2015 04:38 PM EDT
Hey girl, you have it goin on. And Steve too, not that he is a girl. What a beautiful webitse for a beautiful woman. May it bring many good things from the universe right to your fancy Mac.

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