Fan Flower Blinds Stardust

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Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

added some effects to my Fan Flower photo, blinds and stardust


Guest - Aug 25, 2005 04:43 PM EDT
thanks very much Carol, glad you like it. Had fun making it : )
Guest - Aug 25, 2005 04:36 AM EDT
nice effects here,very pretty. Carol
Guest - Aug 25, 2005 02:30 AM EDT
thanks very much for the praise Mel, Janice and Karen, - your encouragement is very kind. Am quite pleased with the way it turned out. I just replied to Jocelynne's query, Karen, on my Waterlily Altered photo, - so the same applies to this photo and your query, to save me repeating it. but briefly, - Well, it's just my cropped photo of the Fan Flower, which I posted here earlier in the summer, photo taken 9 July. I just manipulated the image until I got the effects that pleased me. The arrangement of the stars took the longest of any of it : ) - but none of it took that long. I don't find it difficult to do, so am sure most people could achieve the same effects. As I said on the Waterlily Altered pic, I have given the way I arrived at the Amethyst Moth photo, in the comments on that photo, when someone asked, so that's how I go about this. I just keep working on the images until something appeals to me. Have had no instruction/lessons on any of this, - have just kept working at it until I arrived at all these "creations" : )
Guest - Aug 25, 2005 01:05 AM EDT
This is truly a work of art. Hope you'll share how you did this. This would make a great poster.
Guest - Aug 24, 2005 07:18 PM EDT
Beautiful. Great. You are really coming into yourself with all these fancy effects. I really like it all.
Guest - Aug 24, 2005 03:25 PM EDT
Wow Alandra, you are very talented. I love this, has an asia and retro feel about it. Very pretty.

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