Fall Crocus

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Member: A.Lovely
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A crocus that blooms in the fall. (iris family)


A.Lovely - Feb 23, 2008 05:51 PM EDT
Hi there Talsi. Yes, I bought this plant about three years ago. It tries to bloom in the spring but doesn't. It stops growing and then it becomes hardy in the late summer and early fall. Thank you for viewing my photograph.
Guest - Sep 28, 2007 10:31 AM EDT
Nice image - I didn't know there were any that grew in the fall.
Guest - Sep 27, 2007 05:52 PM EDT
Thanks lorraine for stopping by to see my fall crocus. I used to have many but I have a chipmunk that loves eating bulbs. It's odd that they come up in the fall. Normally they come up in the spring.
Guest - Sep 27, 2007 04:24 PM EDT
beautiful capture, these are a very nice flower which I like but they don't gow well in the soil here.

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