Eygpt 1965

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About This Image

This is one of my father's shots.He was in the military,and was sent to the Gaza strip,with the U.N.peace keeping forces.He was an avid photographer,and I now have his entire body of work.


golda - Feb 20, 2010 12:31 PM EDT
Thanks Alan for looking in.Please see the other two I have posted"Have machine will travel",and "Ruins".I have over 200 slides just of Eygpt alone,and some 8mm film that I have had tranfered to disc,and I found some great traditional music to go along with it.It views like an old National Graphic newsreel!I am now coming to the end of the 35's,and now on to the larger format work.I would love to do a book or something to pay homage to his legacy.
bubbalinn - Feb 20, 2010 09:43 AM EDT
What a great photo and job your Dad did including the people. That is so cool that you have all of his photos, my Dad was not into photography. I on the other hand have been taking photos since around 1963. I have tons of printed photos and around 15 carousels full of slides. I hear ya about scanning them being a daunting task, I started scanning prints and some slides but never put a dent in them and quit, I can't keep up with the ones I take everyday :) ~Alan~
Alfresco - Feb 07, 2010 04:38 PM EDT
I'd guess that those are Kodachrome slides, with their excellent archival qualities; most anything else would be pretty faded our by now. It's great that you're retaining your father's work, so much of the accomplishments of previous generations are lost. On a couple of occasions I've purchased slide trays at garage sales filled with really good photos, in one case documenting a retirement trip around the world in the 1970's; now I can't bring myself to discard them, even though I have no idea who took them.
golda - Feb 06, 2010 02:43 PM EDT
Thanks Carol,and Don.This is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg.I have gone through, and viewed, one at a time in the projector, thousands of 35mm slides,and I still have a collection of Hasselblad work to cull.The larger format camera has a real professional feel,and a sharpness and clarity, that the 35's can't deliver.All in all quite a daunting task,but I am enjoying every tedious minute.
donwrob - Feb 06, 2010 06:59 AM EDT
Diddo what Carol said! Wow, look how tiny the people look on the Spynx back! Cool!
shutterbug - Feb 06, 2010 04:28 AM EDT
Wonderful photo, you are very lucky to have your Dads photos. This one is very interesting and I am looking foward to seeing more. Thanks for sharing. Carol

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