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Member: fella
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eagle sat quite calm as i took this photo ..only about 10 ft away


Guest - May 21, 2006 07:57 PM EDT
hi alandra ..think he is just getting to fully mature losing his darker feathers ..i never posted it yet but this eagle was pretty content to just stay put cause he was resting behind his bottom was another branch which he was sitting on while stayin uprite and his talons was at rest with out having to grip the branch .so he was pretty comfy on that tree..fella
Guest - May 21, 2006 07:30 PM EDT
you answered my question in this one : ) That was a wonderful opportunity for pics! I dream of such a chance : ) - too many tall cottonwoods where "ours" hang out, same with the great horned owls. Is this one that is just finishing getting his adult plumage?, as I can see some dark spots still on the top of his head. Or do they all have these dark spots even when they are adults?

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