Evening View

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Member: Pinetree3
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About This Image

Landscape of San Francisco Bay on a clear winter evening. Off in the distance is the skyline of San Francisco. I have been studying how the pros take those wonderful seascapes. In addition, to getting some better ND graduated filters, I also started using my flash more creatively for the foreground. Some improvements have been achieved and I am more pleased with the results.

Another thing I learned, is to pay attention to the tide. I was in position for about an hour, and the tide changed quite a bit. Not only did I find myself standing in water, but my photographic composition changed dramatically over time.

Now... if the weather will only cooperate and give me some storm clouds.


Art57 - May 16, 2008 07:17 PM EDT
Yes, getting everything to cooperate together can be a challenge. Great work.
Jas - Jan 19, 2008 03:00 PM EDT
Wow! For an amateur like me, the way you achieved this stunning image, sounds very complex, but I just love end result!
Jas - Jan 19, 2008 02:59 PM EDT
Wow! For an amateur like me, the way you achieved this stunning image, sounds very complex, but I just love end result!
Pinetree3 - Jan 19, 2008 03:21 AM EDT
Thanks for your comments. The secrets to getting this type of picture are the long exposure (about 5 sec.), a set of graduated neutral density filters and fill flash (approx. 1/8th power). The long exposure brings out the misty water, the ND filter, helps to balance the exposure between sky, water and earth; and the fill flash brings out the foreground. You will need the following equipment: Wide angle lens, tripod, graduated neutral density filters, and an external flash. I also use a remote trigger so not to move the camera when shooting. I tried to keep the light getting into the camera as low as possible, by using a low ISO and the highest possible f stop. This way I could extend the length I kept the shutter open, (creating that misty sea look) even though there was a fair amount of light still in the sky. The high f stop also helps to maximize my depth of field and have both foreground and background in focus. The best time for this type of shot is at dawn or dusk, before/after the sun is above the horizon. Happy shooting!
sparkle1103 - Jan 18, 2008 09:56 PM EDT
Superb shot there. I have been looking into graduated ND filters myself. I love the effects they produce.
Kathleen Luiz - Jan 18, 2008 09:16 PM EDT
Very striking, especially in the larger view where you can see all of the detail in the foreground rocks and sand. The colors create such a nice, warm glow to the whole scene. Your experimentation has certainly paid off!
whittler113 - Jan 18, 2008 06:14 PM EDT
WOW!! fantastic!!!!
A.Lovely - Jan 18, 2008 12:51 PM EDT
Very nice image. Great composition and wonderfully captured colors of the sunset.
sgbrown - Jan 18, 2008 06:34 AM EDT
This is a stunning image, Pinetree3! The water looks almost like cloud. I assume you combined your flash with a long exposure to create this effect?

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