Entering a Mile-long Tunnel

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About This Image

Sitting at the back of the electric trolley, I grabbed this image before we were engulfed in a mile-long tunnel.

At one time this line was used to take weekenders to a great amusement park - now rubble. Now it goes as far as a great baseball park where even the Yankees come to play twice a year. On those days, train enthusiasts can park in Scranton by the museum and 'take the eletric trolley' to the game, avoiding huge traffic jams.

This line is still used by freight trains who lease these tracks with the understanding that the electric trolleys get presedence over them.


Guest - Sep 09, 2007 03:00 PM EDT
Thank you, Carol.
Guest - Sep 08, 2007 09:17 AM EDT
Great work Vicki, awesome photo! Carol
Guest - Sep 08, 2007 08:03 AM EDT
Good morning, Beverly and Alandra. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Beverly, I think what helped in this image was the anthracite wall which gives off a great deal of reflection. I also edited it in two stages, Cutting and pasting the open end first, then lightening up what I could inside the tunnel without losing the quality. But I couldn't retain more than this, so there was more cropping than I wanted. Vicki
Guest - Sep 08, 2007 03:41 AM EDT
really nice, Vicki. the curve in the tunnel makes it very pleasing.
Guest - Sep 08, 2007 12:21 AM EDT
I have tried to take photos from inside a tunnel, but they always came out too black (no detail) Nice job at keeping some detail inside the tunnel.

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