Eagle - Wind ruffling Head Feathers

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Member: alandrapal
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one of the 3 bald eagles shown in the tree in previous image, this morning.
The wind was ruffling his head feathers in this shot. I believe this is a young eagle, as some of the white head feathers seem to have darker feathers intermingled with them. just my guess tho' :)


Guest - Feb 17, 2007 01:36 AM EDT
thankyou Gary, so nice to see you here. Glad you like the pics.
Guest - Feb 17, 2007 01:17 AM EDT
beautiful eagle alandra. so nice to see your nature photos anytime. these remind me of our alaska trip.
Guest - Feb 14, 2007 11:00 PM EDT
Hi Evelyn, thanks for the nice comments. glad you like the eagle pics. We have a lot of these birds in this area, - we are near the coast, so they hunt on the beaches and in the local farmlands, and can be seen in the treetops all around here. It's just that we've only just started getting out early to see them, LOL. We always got out later before, so realize now that we'd missed them sitting in the treetops -which they seem to do in the mornings :)
Guest - Feb 14, 2007 11:21 AM EDT
Great shots of these great birds..where in the heck do you go to see them or are they in your backyard?
Guest - Feb 14, 2007 03:38 AM EDT
thankyou Don, - glad you like it. The eagles were pretty high up, as you can see from the image where there are 3 of them. You can see which one this is, from the curve of the branch it's perched on.
Guest - Feb 13, 2007 08:38 PM EDT
A beautiful eagle capture. The ruffled feathers make it even more interesting. Great shot Alandra! Don
Guest - Feb 13, 2007 07:38 PM EDT
thanks Alex. I liked seeing the talons and claws in this one, at least in the uncompressed version of mine you can see its claws.
Guest - Feb 13, 2007 02:52 PM EDT
WOW!! what a great shot with the feathers blown up,he doesn't look like a statue.

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