Dying Love

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Score: 18.26
Views: 218
Member: donwrob
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About This Image

A rose, much like love, doesn't always last as long as one would like it to. This rose is grasping at its' last bit of light before it hits the trash can. Talk about the winter blaaaaas. I think I just made myself feel worse! :-). Don

Thanks for looking


donwrob - May 30, 2008 10:43 AM EDT
Thanks very much for the kind words everyone! A long winter last year :-). Don
alandrapal - May 26, 2008 08:28 PM EDT
smiling about the ending of your comment, Don. But am agreeing with the other listers' comments, it is a thought provoking image and very nice. The texture and colour are great.
Karen Moen - Feb 27, 2008 10:01 PM EDT
Ah, but what a way to go! I love the lighting and deep red against the dark background.
A.Lovely - Feb 26, 2008 07:32 PM EDT
I understand the story behind the dying rose. The dark background enhanses the depth of the color of the rose. Before the trash can I press my roses in favorite books or I take the petals and put them in a pretty dish and put them beside where I sit most when home. So a rose lingers on in ones senses.
Jas - Feb 26, 2008 03:28 PM EDT
This is beautiful Don. The flower's title and description is perfect. Even though the rose is over it's best, it still has a lovely shape and beautiful deep colouring. The black backdrop brings out the richness of colour in the bloom.

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