Dunk Tank

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About This Image

A fund-raising "dunk tank" at a country fair in Western NY State. For a donation to the sponsoring charity, club, fire department, etc., one gets to throw a ball at a target, which activates a mechanism that tips the bucket of water on the "victim". The volunteer "victim" is usually a well-known local politician, club president, clergyman, or the like. I think this guy has had about enough, but the spectators are loving it.


Guest - Nov 07, 2007 02:02 PM EDT
Great shot! I'm glad not to be in his shoes. That just doesn't look very enjoyable to sit there and wait for a bucket of cold water to dump on your head...LOL. Great idea to raise money though. Don
Guest - Nov 07, 2007 09:42 AM EDT
What a great idea for a fund raiser. Carol

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