Dreams of Other Times

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Member: dshaw
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About This Image

Here is the color image of the B&W - same image under different circumstances. Also, my apologies to anyone that thought I was demeaning our talent to be able to carve a beautiful image that many never could see. The reference to point and shoot was a rhetorical jab at an egotistical professional that thinks he creates the image. In fact, I am so serious about the art that I have written a basic tutorial on photography, free for the download on my website.


Guest - Dec 28, 2005 09:54 PM EDT
A magnificent animal and a great shot.
Guest - Dec 28, 2005 07:41 PM EDT
I believe you have a gift of doing this. I can feel it in my heart! Thanks for sharing! Jeannette
Guest - May 19, 2005 12:54 PM EDT
Awesome shot! And I also love your titles. You are very good at that also.
Guest - May 17, 2005 05:10 PM EDT
This is as aesthetically pleasing as the black and white. Also, I'm glad I now know exactly what you meant by point and shoot *I was wondering how someone who followed that philosophy got this shot*
Guest - May 17, 2005 11:24 AM EDT
thanks so much! gorgeous. being such a "colour" person, absolutely love this. such richness. and see how the eye "matches" the fur colour : ) thanks again. And am very interested to read your tutorial. thanks for that also.

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