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Member: shutterbug
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Dragonfly on Hosta plant.


Guest - Dec 04, 2006 12:31 PM EDT
The colors and background bring out the detail and delicate quality of the wings. Beautiful!
Guest - Dec 03, 2006 06:24 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra for lovely comment. I been going through my folders and seeing what I have.when I take photos I take lots and file most of them away. I have at least a dozen dragonflies already in my gallery. Now this one I never really liked as to me it looks like his skull is missing, maybe thats the way the poor things are.He seemed healthy enough flying around.
Guest - Dec 03, 2006 05:40 PM EDT
this is beautiful, Carol. Am wondering why you didn't send it in before! I think it's one of your best photos.
Guest - Dec 03, 2006 04:00 PM EDT
Thanks Anne for the lovely comment.
Guest - Dec 03, 2006 12:02 PM EDT
How beautiful is your dragonfly. It seems to speak of long ago days, of children trying to catch one and not succeeding. *LOL* I didn't try that as Mom made us leave the little outdoor things alone. *g* The purple shimmering on its wing gives just the right touch Great picture.

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