Dozer Dog

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Score: 31.28
Views: 2075
Member: Ev_Kudro
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About This Image

Here is a full size photo of my neices dog relaxing.


Guest - Jul 04, 2007 06:13 AM EDT
It's a dog's life. What a great way to relax!!
Guest - Feb 21, 2007 11:23 AM EDT
Don,your comment took me a minute to process,lol.This shot is just too human.Great capture tho'
Guest - Feb 21, 2007 03:00 AM EDT
Well, he doesn't seem to be a shy dog, does he. :-). Cool capture, I've never seen a dog relax quite like that. Great shot! Don I keep thinking about Grumpys Orchid lesson for some reason :-)
Guest - Feb 21, 2007 12:14 AM EDT
The best laxed dog photo that I have ever seen.

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