Dove Love

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About This Image

Part of the Dove series. For more info, visit "Happy Father's Day" photo


Guest - Jun 22, 2005 12:10 AM EDT
This is the male dove. Most of my shots are of the male dove. The reason for this is that during the day, the male sits on the nest, and at night the female guards the nest. Therefore, it is easier to get quality pictures of the male due to the lighting. (I am not sexist or anything). I do have a couple of good female shots I will display. You can always tell the male, by the blueish area on the top of the head and the pink color on the breast.
Guest - Jun 21, 2005 10:31 PM EDT
so very precious. is this mama? cute how the parent is resting and the feathers are all ruffled. we were worried about a little fledgling today, we didn't know what was wrong, he suddenly became all wobbly and unable to fly,(after drinking at our fountain) and flew down onto our patio bricks, so we stayed close and watched to make sure no cats came by. Anyway, turns out, he got too drenched in the water, - the downy baby feathers get soaked so easily, and he couldn't take off. so after about half a hour, he finally dried out and flew away, much to our relief : ) evening was coming, so we hoped he'd fly before nightfall.
Guest - Jun 21, 2005 11:52 AM EDT
"A picture paints a thousand words". This qualifies.

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