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standing between Neptune's fountain and the house when i took this. i like the contrast of white grays and green.
now class if you paying attention this is a small info lesson
One of the premier stately homes of England, Castle Howard is a baroque masterpiece, more palace than house, conceived by Charles Howard, 3rd Earl of Carlisle, and executed by Sir John Vanbrugh from 1699. The setting is idyllic, but it is the house itself that draws the eye. Castle Howard is centred on a striking dome, with two wings enclosing a courtyard. To the north, the ground falls away to a large lake, to the south, formal gardens share space with more water features and several glorious follies.


Guest - Feb 14, 2007 06:43 AM EDT
this is for travlynwoman The task of finishing the west wing fell to the Earl's son-in-law, Sir Thomas Robinson, who did so in the then-popular Palladian style, taking inspiration from William Kent's design for the Houses of Parliament. Robinson's grand plans called for the interior to be completed to a level of grandeur and convenience that would be unrivalled anywhere in the world, but his grand sceme fell afoul of the young 5th Earl's trustees, who refused to lavish more money on the project. When Robinson died in 1777
Guest - Feb 13, 2007 01:36 PM EDT
I love this, Mike - why d they muck it up with that awful clock though? Thanks for the history lesson too. Out of curiosity - when you mentioned the two wings - are they part of an Elizabethan 'E'? My boarding school in Devon had a priests hole in the middle part of the 'E'. The building was a museum in the summertime. One of the four-poster beds was slept in by Prince Charles before he became King Charles 1. We had 5 girls in that bedroom, snd rotated beds every fortnight so we could take turns sleeping in it.
Guest - Feb 12, 2007 11:53 AM EDT
Interesting capture along with good information about the history. You guys are funny! :) You give me a smile!
Guest - Feb 12, 2007 08:41 AM EDT
Great looking composition Mike! You can save this one for the 'bottom heavy' contest if we have one. And I'm happy to say I didn't have to take a nap while reading you discription :-) Don
Guest - Feb 12, 2007 07:59 AM EDT
thanks steve half hour reading ! it takes me that long to find wot i wrote in my photo album plus age catching up so lilttle reading not hurt our grey matter
Guest - Feb 12, 2007 07:37 AM EDT
An excellent and a witty image, Mike! Disappointingly little information though. I'm now expecting at least a half-hour's read from each of your comments! :)

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