Distant mountains

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Score: 16.2
Views: 257
Member: Maitai Valley Railway
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About This Image

This illustrates the diversity of modelling, from the farm fences to the scale models of New Zealand Railway Houses (scratchbuilt by me) to the delightful tiny animals and people (commercial purchases) and the locomotives and rolling stock itself. Again, the backscene is 500mm behind the quarry and the subtle painting has moved the distant mountains far away to give a tremendous depth to the whole scene. Actually you can hardly see the distant mountains, they are so faint but they are there at the top of the light green hills above that loco.


Guest - Jun 28, 2007 04:59 PM EDT
Very nice layout,do you display to the public or possibly have a video of this N.Z. scene,regards Vince.
Guest - Nov 14, 2005 11:05 AM EDT
My brother is a model railroad fan. It's amazing how real these layouts can look.

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