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Score: 11.19
Views: 126
Member: Daz477
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About This Image

Saw this Dingo on Fraser Island, Australia, while on a four wheel drive tour. The photo' was taken through the window of the vehicle and shows the Dingo on a beach.


Daz477 - Jan 22, 2008 03:28 PM EDT
Thanks Lorraine and Whittler113 for your comments. Yes, the dingo was out hunting for food and the image came out quite well considering it was taken through the window of a moving vehicle.
whittler113 - Jan 18, 2008 05:55 PM EDT
WOW!! So thats a Dingo,he looks a bit like our coydog.You caught a good full side view of him.
lorraine - Jan 16, 2008 05:36 PM EDT
It looks like he's on a mission, something has his intrest.

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