Desert Lizard

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Views: 328
Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

While out walking around the desert I got a chance to get this photo of a Lizard. With it getting warmer these guys or gals are out everywhere. This is one of the nice critters that won't hurt you.


bubbalinn - Mar 28, 2011 02:27 PM EDT
Hi Ann, Sorry I just noticed your comment, I've been a little busy. Yea we do have some critters out here in the hot sand LOL.. They do have a greenish blue color underneath, they always look the same so I don't think they change colors. They will drop their tails when they think there going to die LOL. ~Alan~
A.Lovely - Mar 25, 2011 11:01 PM EDT
Nice capture Alan. You do have critters where you live! I noticed there is a little green coloring on it's side. Does it change colors at will if frightened? Or is my sceen reading wrong?
bubbalinn - May 10, 2010 10:56 AM EDT
Thanks very much Claudia... They really do blend in, the only way to spot them is when they move. I've been trying to find it's name but there are as many different lizards as flowers and birds.
golda - May 09, 2010 01:23 AM EDT
Talk about blending with the landscape.A perfect match.Great shot of this unique character.

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