Deerassic Ticket Man

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Member: donwrob
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Every year at the Deerassic Classic Giveaway near Cambridge Ohio, this guy collects tickets from the huge 50-50 raffle they have. This year the total was over $150,000, a new record. He is known as the ticket man. He wanders through the crowd covered in losing tickets people drape over his head. Thanks for looking. Don


talsi - Sep 09, 2009 10:19 PM EDT
Wow - that 's a lot of tickets for a 50/50. Interesting image
golda - Aug 14, 2009 05:15 PM EDT
Hi Don,does this man ever buy a ticket himself,or is he just into re-cycling? Great shot,and what a "claim to fame"!The full screen version allows us to almost count the hairs in this mans beard,and the texture of the tickets,makes for a super compostion.

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