DC Autumn

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About This Image

I went into Washington, DC to do a low-key 3K race around the Tidal Basin in Potomac Park. I ran a real slow 3K, even for me, but I got some pretty pictures.

And then I spent an hour walking and jogging around it again, getting more pictures, as the day got windier, cloudier, and colder!

This is the Jefferson Memorial in soft focus in the background, with a branch of the cherry trees that line the Tidal Basin in the foreground.


Guest - Nov 19, 2005 04:55 PM EDT
This is a great picture, makes me feel like I am nearly there!
Guest - Nov 19, 2005 10:44 AM EDT
This is a great picture!!! I really love the way you focused on the foliage and softened the Jefferson Memorial. I was glad to be able to approve this picture.

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