Daughter and Her Dog

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Member: A.Lovely
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While visiting my daughter today to get greens for my Holiday planters. I captured this and a few other captures of Meredith and Dakota. Dakota is going to be 13 years of age next month.Meredith sent me home with homemade pumpkin bread along with tips from three different trees around her property for Holiday decorating. Yes, I am a bit early. I'm all finished decorating for the Christmas Holiday on Thanksgiving Day.It's a tradition with me and makes both days very festive and homey. Thank you for viewing this capture.


A.Lovely - Oct 19, 2011 11:58 AM EDT
Thank you Karen for your comments. I think you are right about Dakota and living on love. As far as the Holidays, I love to light the tree etc. on Thanksgiving. That night when the dishes are done and everyone is full of feast, to look about the house and see the lighted trees,baywindow, and doors seems to bring about an excitement for the coming Christmas Holidays.
Karen Moen - Oct 18, 2011 08:37 PM EDT
That dog looks amazingly robust. Love must be keeping it young! I agree with your idea for decorating in November and Decemember, because the holiday spirit suits them both. Plus it gives more time to enjoy all that hard work.
A.Lovely - Oct 18, 2011 11:54 AM EDT
Thank you Talsi for viewing and leaving a comment.
talsi - Oct 18, 2011 08:16 AM EDT
Nice image that shows the interaction between the two

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