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Member: shutterbug
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About This Image

This is my picture of Daisy entered in the B/W contest,winning the bronze for July.
Sharing this win with Grahamegiddens1 picture which was excellent picture.
Congratulations to Grahame and Thanks to everyone that voted for my entry.


Guest - Sep 05, 2005 02:25 PM EDT
thanks for the info Carol, hadn't been there for awhile, so hadn't noticed it being up there on Yahoo. Yep that was from the JUNE contest LOL. have to agree about all the runoff polls, the same thing happened with my Bronze win of the "night shots" category, the same ferris wheel photo, mentioned just now, getting overlooked the way it did. Anyway, thanks to Jim, he gave me encouragement for that photo : ) and to anyone else who did, haven't looked at it for ages.
Guest - Sep 05, 2005 11:01 AM EDT
Mary I dont know why I didnt get more comments on my win, I think it nice picture, B/W to me means like going back in time when things were much simpler, gentlier and kinder times in life. But after 3 polls and than running against just one person it takes a lot away from any contest. My daisy represents simple. Mary I want to thankyou for all the work you did as a moderator and the wealth of information you put on group that helped everyone, Alex and I would be lost without all the help you have given us and we both appreciate it. I hope you consider going back on group at some point. It needs you. Alandra I see yours finally hit the Home page today, better late than never I guess, what was that June contest.Well congrats on your win its a great picture for sure and im glad to see it there. Carol
Guest - Sep 04, 2005 10:38 PM EDT
so simply beautiful Carol. Congrats also on the Bronze win. At least yours got up on Yahoo : )
Guest - Sep 04, 2005 09:28 PM EDT
Came across this photo again and I'm wondering why you didn't have more comments on your BRONZE win. It is so beautiful in black and white....congrats again!
Guest - Aug 31, 2005 06:18 PM EDT
Thanks so much for the comments and Thanks Mary for the vote, much appreciated. Carol
Guest - Aug 28, 2005 04:03 PM EDT
Congratulations on your Bronze win Carol. It had my vote before I left. Very nice work.
Guest - Aug 28, 2005 03:52 PM EDT
What a great shot,congratulations on your Bronze win Shutterbug.

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