Dahlias on Satin with Pearls

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Score: 20.48
Views: 534
Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

added some satin and pearls to these beautiful dahlias. These dahlias belong to friends of ours.


Guest - Jan 27, 2006 12:28 PM EDT
thanks, Dud. Lucky we have a sense of humour, - right?
Guest - Jan 27, 2006 11:41 AM EDT
I can not make quite as interesting of a comment but I thought the picture was beautiful.
Guest - Jan 24, 2006 02:54 AM EDT
interesting comments
Guest - Jan 24, 2006 02:44 AM EDT
sans esprit flic ejaculation @x@ narcissique flic ejaculation @x@ courage flic ejaculation @x@ ose flic ejaculation @x@ aventureux flic ejaculation @x@ resolu flic ejaculation @x@ audacieux flic ejaculation @x@ chauve flic ejaculation @x@ viril flic ejaculation @x@ emotionnel flic ejaculation @x@ intense flic ejaculation @x@ sentimental flic ejaculation @x@ pupille flic ejaculation @x@ ecoliere flic ejaculation @x@ sensation flic ejaculation @x@ sentiment flic ejaculation @x@ affection flic ejaculation @x@ emotion flic ejaculation @x@ entaille flic ejaculation @x@ fantastiquement flic ejaculation @x@ extravagamment flic ejaculation @x@ prodigieusement flic ejaculation @x@ fantastique flic ejaculation @x@ fabuleux flic ejaculation @x@ ahurissant flic ejaculation @x@ sauvage flic ejaculation @x@ extravagant flic ejaculation @x@ excellent flic ejaculation @x@ immense flic ejaculation @x@ dechirer flic ejaculation @x@ chouette flic ejaculation @x@ dandy flic ejaculation @x@ defonce flic ejaculation @x@ patron flic ejaculation @x@ epatant flic ejaculation @x@ celebre flic ejaculation @x@ parfait flic ejaculation @x@ formidable flic ejaculation @x@ peu commun flic ejaculation @x@ etrange flic ejaculation @x@ extraterrestre flic ejaculation @x@ surnaturel flic ejaculation @x@ sensationnel flic ejaculation @x@ indescreptible flic ejaculation @x@ mysterieux flic ejaculation @x@ divine flic ejaculation @x@ divin flic ejaculation @x@ paradisiaque flic ejaculation @x@ suprnal flic ejaculation @x@ chaude serveuse ejaculation @x@ la plus chaude serveuse ejaculation @x@ plus chaude serveuse ejaculation @x@ froid serveuse ejaculation @x@ plus froid serveuse ejaculation @x@ le plus froid serveuse ejaculation
Guest - Sep 15, 2005 12:42 PM EDT
appreciate your nice comments, Lulu and Janice, thankyou. happy you like these : ) Just upgraded to Paint Shop Pro 10.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 09:32 PM EDT
you are really getting to be a professional at creating breathtaking effects.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 02:55 PM EDT
thanks Alex, - know what you mean re the thumbnails, - quite often I am surprised when viewing the full size versions : ) as thought it was something else in the thumbnail
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 02:06 PM EDT
You are doing really well with your photo editing. This looks really neat. I'm going to be learning a few more things too as my book arrived yesterday. It took nearly two weeks. I get things sent from Canada that arrive in a shorter time. Oh well, I got it now. Keep going with the editing - they look great!
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 02:01 PM EDT
Very nice job,when i first looked at the thumbnail I thought you put the blossoms in crushed ice.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 01:34 PM EDT
Very Pretty!!! Carol

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