Cup & Saucer View 2

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cup and saucer, another view.


alandrapal - Dec 31, 2009 01:12 AM EDT
Hi again, Anne, have just found your comment here, nearly a month later :) Today I saw some lovely cups and saucers that a friend had been give for Christmas. It had the same rich blue and gold colouring on. Forget which brand name/pattern she said it was tho'.
A.Lovely - Dec 08, 2009 01:41 PM EDT
Yes, it is a beautiful capture and interesting info. I have some of this china myself. Maybe we should have a "tea cup contest". I'd love to see what some of the other TLF photographers have for their tea. :-) Perhaps when I get my errands done for the Holidays I will take a photo of a teacup or two for the fun of it. The coloring on this cup/saucer is just out standing. Thanks for sharing this with TLF Alandra.
alandrapal - Dec 06, 2009 11:11 PM EDT
Hi Ann, good to hear from you, many thanks. Here's the info from the base of the cup and the saucer. It's made by Royal Albert Crown China, made in England, and the pattern name is ADEN. Glad you like it. It's actually nicer in real life than shown in the photo, as it "whited out" a bit in the pic.
A.Lovely - Dec 06, 2009 03:29 PM EDT
Hi Alandra, Beautiful china. Is there a name or marking on the bottom of the cup/saucer??
Guest - May 10, 2007 09:25 PM EDT
Wonderful capture of cup and saucer,looks as thou cup is floating! Beautiful antique! Love Nancy
Guest - Apr 15, 2007 07:46 PM EDT
thanks Carol, had this image on a dvd from ages ago, so was happy to find it yesterday, as there's not much that I can find on the external hard drive so far.
Guest - Apr 15, 2007 06:27 PM EDT
Lovely China! Carol
Guest - Apr 15, 2007 06:18 PM EDT
Hi Don, thanks for the nice comments. We do use the cups and saucers sometimes - I've always liked them and have quite a collection from over the years. The main reason we don't use them all the time, is that I like a larger amount of tea, so have some big cups and quite often use a mug, despite that usually being for coffee. Our local Thrift shop had an "antiques" type sale a week ago, and guess what? - couldn't resist getting some more china, lol. Some of the old stuff is sooo pretty, hand painted too. Plus we also bought a set from DH's aunt's Estate, just for "memory's sake", as we'd shared meals with his aunt and she'd served them on that chinaware, so we bid on it and got it. Lucky I have 2 daughters, as they will have a lot of nice china someday :)
Guest - Apr 15, 2007 06:07 PM EDT
That is some beautiful china Alandra. Great shot of them. I'd be afraid to use them for fear of an accident. I'm sure they are just for looking at? Don
Guest - Apr 15, 2007 04:38 PM EDT
hi Lorraine, thanks for the nice comments. Yes, think it's quite old. The blue does look good on this cup and saucer.
Guest - Apr 15, 2007 04:18 PM EDT
Very pretty, looks really old, i love the design with the blue trim.

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