Cumberland Falls

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Member: Tanya
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Cumberland River and Cumberland Falls in Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in KY. Shot from the Eagle Falls trail.


Tanya - Aug 20, 2008 03:58 PM EDT
Thanks for your comments. The falls look totally different from this side than they do from the visitors center on the other side. I will look through my shots and see if I have a picture taken from there. I know I don't have any "serious" shots but I may have a snapshot or two. These falls are huge and this particular shot doesn't really show that. For those of you near corbin ky, or that can travel there, they do a wonderful nature photography weekend ever year in April. I took this shot along with the dog slaughter falls shots during that time. It's a great weekend. Contact the park for info.
anne - Aug 20, 2008 02:19 PM EDT
What a beautiful spot to just sit there in the shade - on that huge rock and watch and listen to the water plunging over the falls that are so beautiful and white!! I notice they look more blue above the falls and green after they have come tumbling over. I can hear them - delightful!!!
whittler113 - Jul 19, 2008 08:08 AM EDT
A beautiful scene and a great vantage point.

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