Crystal Goblets

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Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

I have searched for the year and company of these
crystal goblets. My parents received them for a wedding
gift. That would have been in the early 20's or 30's. Since I put this capture on TLF, I have gone to Astoria etched crystal. I haven't found the exact pattern, but the stem of the goblets are the same on one or two etched goblets on the web site. So I leaning to the fact that it would be possible this is from that company. If anyone has seen or knows this pattern I would love to know. There are eight goblets that were left to me. They have a wonderful ring to them and I have enjoyed them for many years on my table.


A.Lovely - Feb 18, 2010 04:59 PM EDT
Hi Carol, Thank you for stopping in to view my capture and leaving a comment.
shutterbug - Feb 18, 2010 06:12 AM EDT
Gorgeous Crystal!
A.Lovely - Feb 17, 2010 11:13 PM EDT
Hi there Alan, thank you for viewing and leaving a comment. I have become attached to these goblets because my Mother enjoyed them so much. It keeps her warmly in my heart when I touch them. It would be fun though to see the worth. It would be the company that put made them that would make the difference, I guess. I would love to know just where they came from. It would be late 20's or early 1930's that they were given as a wedding gift.
bubbalinn - Feb 17, 2010 06:40 PM EDT
That is some very beautiful crystal Ann.. I have a bunch of crystal and other things and spent hours trying to find them on-line just to see what they might be worth. I never did find anything that looked like the stuff I have.
A.Lovely - Feb 17, 2010 05:27 PM EDT
Thank you Pinetree and Talsi for viewing and leaving comments on this capture. I sure would love to have more info on the goblets. I'm going to keep looking but have yet to find this pattern.
talsi - Feb 17, 2010 07:29 AM EDT
i love crystal - and these are so beautiful. Lovely image
Pinetree3 - Feb 17, 2010 04:49 AM EDT
Beautiful goblets, beautiful image.

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