Crocuses Spring Greetings

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'Crocuses Spring Greetings'
The Crocuses most people buy are blue and yellow large-flowered Dutch Hybrids which bloom after the snowdrops and before the tulips. The range, however, is much wider - there are one which flower in January and others which are in bloom in October. All are are goblet-shaped with six petals and come in a wide range of colours.

These images were taken at our local churchyard at Newchurch, Isle of Wight, where the lawns at this time of the year are a blanket of crocuses and snowdrops.



bubbalinn - Apr 14, 2010 08:08 PM EDT
Beautiful views of the gorgeous flowers... It sure is nice to see the signs of spring.
A.Lovely - Mar 10, 2010 06:48 PM EDT
Wonderful capture nicely framed.
talsi - Mar 09, 2010 05:34 PM EDT
A lovely sigh of spring - can't wait

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