Cranesbill with Dew

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Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

this little Cranesbill (or true Geranium) was blooming near our lily pond today, 23 November 2005, along with quite a few others. Was pleased to capture the dew droplets on this one.

We also have the blue variety, which has larger and Blue flowers, and those are Johnson's Blue cranesbills.


Guest - Nov 26, 2005 04:18 PM EDT
just noticed, you can see the pics of the Johnson's blue variety on the page at the Right side of this large version. those are the ones which cascade down towards the lily pond, mentioned above.
Guest - Nov 26, 2005 11:38 AM EDT
Hi Lulu, thanks very much for the nice comments. Good to see you here again. these low growing perennials are a great addition to any garden, am hoping you can find them over there. The Johnson's Blue has a larger blue flower, there are some pics on my gallery of that variety also. the Johnson's Blue cranesbill tumble over the wall towards our little lily pond and do look very pretty. Also, they make an attractive seed pod, like a cranes bill, hence the name.
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 10:12 PM EDT
This is really beautiful. I love what you are doing with the framing. It really makes the photo look professional. Its also nice that you have added the name to the bottom of it. I have never seen these flowers. They are pretty and very delicate looking.
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 04:03 PM EDT
thanks Alex, it's so small I had a bit of a time trying to reach over to get this shot
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 02:05 PM EDT
WOW!! Great shot.
Guest - Nov 24, 2005 03:36 PM EDT
thanks Carol. it's such a tiny flower, but came out so nicely.
Guest - Nov 24, 2005 02:52 PM EDT
Gorgeous color, Great dewdrops on the geranium. Carol

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