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I love cornflowers. This one was still tightly closed ready to open to our sunny spring morning.


Guest - Nov 01, 2005 01:15 AM EDT
Hi Alandra. I have these flowers in different sizes and colours. I have heard them called straw flowers. Their petals are like thin paper. I think they are very pretty.
Guest - Oct 29, 2005 12:52 PM EDT
am wondering if this is what we call "everlasting flowers" or strawflowers. you mentioned them being used in dried flower arrangements. Haven't seen this red flower tho', it's very pretty. have seen something similar but in yellow and orange colours. what we knew in England as cornflowers are a bright clear blue, - interesting isn't it, how different countries have diff. names for the flowers.
Guest - Oct 18, 2005 01:46 AM EDT
I have been waiting for them to open up to get a different photo for you but they have not open completely. I am here with the girls all weekend, Dean is working 7am to 3pm. We would love to see you.
Guest - Oct 14, 2005 03:29 AM EDT
Oh, I know what these are now. Its funny how flowers look so different when its a close-up. You see all that detail that is usually overlooked. Are you two home or over this way for labour weekend?
Guest - Oct 14, 2005 02:30 AM EDT
Thanks for the coments Lulu this flowers pettals are like paper. They are used alot in dried flower arrangements. We are expecting a fine day tomorrow so I may get a photo of one open.
Guest - Oct 11, 2005 01:01 AM EDT
I can't picture this flower open. This shot of it closed up still is pretty impressive though. You will have to get another one of it open so I know what it is. I'm not that great with plants/flowers and their names. With a yard like ours though, I'm learning. The red is so vibrant in this photo. Great shot, especially with the yellow centre just slightly visible.

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