Cool Springs Arizona

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

This years Historic Route 66 Fun Run was better than ever. I think there were around 700 cool cars, trucks, and bikes for this show. On Saturday they all travel from Siligman, Az to Kingman. Then all day they park down town for everyone to see. On Sunday they all travel from Kingman, Az to Topock, Az.
Going from Kingman to Topock they all go up the back road to Oatman, Arizona. Well on the old Route 66 road you will find Cool Springs gift shop and museum. I stopped there and watched as people took turns parking in front of the store taking photos. I thought this old Ford fit perfectly with the old pumps.


Команда сопряжение в Авто

cof - Nov 12, 2018 09:24 AM EDT
[url=]Команда Сопряжение в Авто
myglasseye - Apr 28, 2012 05:24 PM EDT
Nice shot. Great subject. Great detail in the background. Draws your gaze into the smaller details.

Thanks Ann

~Alan~ - Mar 13, 2012 10:23 PM EDT
Hi Ann, Thanks very much! I was having a great time watching all of the cool cars and taking photos. It was like taking photos back in the old days LOL..

Wild and Wonderful

Ann - Feb 25, 2012 08:35 PM EDT
I think this capture is so well taken. It has so many interesting aspects to it. Alan, you must have had a great time getting this photo. Great job!
bubbalinn - May 06, 2009 11:29 AM EDT
Hi Alex and Claudia, Thanks for your wonderful comments.. I'm really glad it brought back some great memories for ya Claudia. I still enjoy riding up the old highway, theres very few cars so driving is a pleasure, and theres more critters around to try and photograph. Yea Alex it's great that there are people keeping the cool old cars around.
golda - May 05, 2009 09:18 PM EDT
Alan,viewing this image and hearing your story takes me back to travelling this famous highway when I was much younger.My parents loved to take trips in the car,and Arizona was one of the places that I rememeber well.Thanks for bringing these great memeories back.
whittler113 - May 05, 2009 06:54 PM EDT
Old Fords never die,great shot.
bubbalinn - May 05, 2009 05:38 PM EDT
Thanks very much Beverly, Alex, and Bruce for your nice comments. It is like going back in time during the Fun Run, there are cool old cars everywhere. I have no idea about the Atlas tires, good eye there Bruce spotting the sign :)
talsi - May 04, 2009 08:44 PM EDT
Nice nostalgic shot
Pinetree3 - May 04, 2009 07:46 PM EDT
Great location shot. What a classic!
Alfresco - May 04, 2009 07:36 PM EDT
Brings back memories of traveling across the country on Route 66 a few times in the early 1950's. Nice capture of the vintage gas station, it appears to be very authentic. What ever happened to Atlas tires? I used to sell them.

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