Church on the Hill

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Score: 12.33
Views: 181
Member: Jas
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About This Image

This is Hawkshead Village Church, which stands on a hill overlooking Hawkshead itself.


Jas - Aug 04, 2008 09:04 AM EDT
Thank you for taking the time to view and leave your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts. :)
anne - Jul 22, 2008 05:11 PM EDT
The Church still exudes serenity. One feels that it covers the entire village. (Of course, I'm sure there are a few disturbances, ever so often but this is a time of loveliness) Peace and quiet emanate from the hillside and send out a blessing from ages past. A lovely heart-touching - carrying one back in the past - scene. Great picture.
Jas - Mar 11, 2008 01:16 PM EDT
Late again! Sorry Alandra; thanks for viewing and leaving your comments. :)
Guest - Sep 24, 2007 10:39 PM EDT
lovely scene!

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