Chinese Lantern Plant

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Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

these are neat plants, - aptly nicknamed Chinese Lantern plants, saw these yesterday at the farm market, grew them years ago so couldn't resist some pics of these. correct name Physalis, or ground cherry is another name for these.

perfect decorations for this time of year, and they last for years, as I still have a couple of the dried "lanterns", kept for old times' sake, packed away with the Xmas decorations, grown 35 plus years or more ago!


I am the biggest fan

Lyn - Nov 25, 2015 11:39 AM EDT
I am the biggest fan of One tree hill I have every seosan on dvd, I know each word in every episode, and lastly I LOVE IT!!!Anyway I loved seosans 1-7 they rocked but they need a seosan 8 because of how they left it I mean. Brook and Julian getting married, Haleys pregnant, Nathen has basketball this summer, alex and chases and mia's love triangle, Clay and Quin getting shot, that crazy katy on the loose, Mouth and Skills realationship together and with Lauren,Millies life,alexander running clothes for bros,Victoria and alexanders relationship. I mean how could you leave all that dangling on threads,right? But, in my opinion they should make a seosan 8 and have Sawyer Scott and peyton and lucus come back and end the show with everyone they started it with. They started it,they have to finish it, right? But overall, they need seosan 8 and peyton,lucus,and sawyer to come back.
Guest - Aug 14, 2006 12:58 PM EDT
These always remind me of Halloween, masks, witches, black cats and candy!!! A great shot to bring back the yesterdays!!!
Guest - Oct 24, 2005 11:24 AM EDT
thankyou, Kathy,- puteractingup.
Guest - Oct 23, 2005 11:32 PM EDT
Lovely shot Alandra! Thanks for added information.
Guest - Oct 23, 2005 12:43 PM EDT
thanks Alex and Janice, they are quite neat, have always liked them a lot.
Guest - Oct 22, 2005 09:39 PM EDT
Those plants look so pretty. They really look like lanterns.
Guest - Oct 22, 2005 04:47 PM EDT
What a nice shot,we had some of those but they didn't make it through the last winter.

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