Chihuly Reflections

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Views: 139
Member: marysham
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About This Image

Taken at Phipps Conservatory during the Chihuly Glass Exhibit. This year long celebration was created to honor the significant role that glass and glass art play in the vibrancy of the Pittsburgh region.


marysham - Mar 20, 2008 07:28 PM EDT
Carol, Golda and Jas, thanks for the comments. I appreciate your taking the time.
Jas - Mar 17, 2008 05:01 PM EDT
The shapes and colours are really beautiful. A very talented artist and you have captured their work beautifully Mary. :)
golda - Mar 17, 2008 02:43 PM EDT
Mary,this is a beautiful shot,and an exqusite example of the work, of Chihuly.
shutterbug - Mar 17, 2008 02:29 PM EDT
Lovely photo of the Glass,must of been a real nice place to visit. Carol

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