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Member: tanzwutdream
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I love old Cemeteries. No, I am not macabre! I love them for the beautiful angels so lovingly placed their by those that have lost. That sounds kind of depressing but when you think about it a Cemetery is a place where love is freely displayed. That is such a heart warming and touching thing. Cemeteries show us that love is such a beautiful, strong and ever living emotion. Not even death its self can destroy it. Another thing I love about Cemeteries is they are actually full of life. As you walk around you hear many a bird singing in the old trees that commonly dominate any good cemetery.


Guest - Apr 12, 2006 07:36 AM EDT
A beautiful image so powerfully captured. The atmosphere of cemetaries is so full and makes you focus on the real priorities. This image really sums that up.
Guest - Feb 04, 2006 09:23 PM EDT
very good photo of the angel statue. As a child, in England, I used to enjoy being taken to a cemetery beside a quaint old church near my maternal grandmother's home, with her or with my youngest aunt. It was interesting to read the details on the tombstones and a little scarey/awesome to a young child too. As an adult I have not visited many cemeteries, - but there is a very beautiful one quite near here, which I visited for the first time several months ago, due to the passing of a young relative. It surprised & impressed me at how beautifully it was landscaped, with little streams and waterfalls, many wonderful coniferous trees, and on "various levels" somehow, very different to what a person usually thinks of, or sees in films of cemeteries. I did intend to return to look around the peaceful surroundings, but haven't done so, yet. I think it depends on the frame of mind a person is in when visiting a cemetery, as to whether it would seem depressing or macabre.
Guest - Feb 04, 2006 02:48 PM EDT
I too like old cemeteries and feel at peace in them and like to photograph different things there. You explained the feelings that you experience very well.I can relate to them. Beautiful shot of the statue against the sky.

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