Caterpillar Quartet

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Member: Hellie1
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About This Image

So, what does any self-preserving Monarch butterfly caterpillar do when they've eaten their food source to practically nothing? Why, they crawl off to find somewhere handy to pupate.....which in this instance happens to be the side of my house! I love Monarch's & this quartet has grown some since I took this picture; there's now about 20+ hanging on the house (& that's not counting the 19 I've rescued from the clutches of their voracious siblings or the ones I haven't found in nearby garden bushes LOL).


Guest - Feb 24, 2007 06:39 PM EDT
Guest - Feb 24, 2007 06:21 PM EDT
WOW!! thats a very interesting photo and description.I have only seen a couple of those in the catapillar stage.

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