Cactus Wren

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

My dog Daisy and I had been wondering around in the desert and was on our way home. Well while I was waiting for her to catch up, I was standing by our neighbors little wood fence when this Cactus Wren landed right in front of me. It stayed just long enough for me to get three shots. The Cactus Wren is the Arizona State bird and really fun, you can always count on them for a photo or two.


bubbalinn - Feb 02, 2010 02:52 PM EDT
Hi Linda and Beverly, Thanks very much for your kind comments.. Yep Linda, I always use my 75-300 when out hunting the critters, it's also on my camera most of the time.
talsi - Feb 01, 2010 09:54 PM EDT
Wonderful images - nice and sharp with good backgrounds
LRusinko - Feb 01, 2010 09:25 PM EDT
Nice image and great detail, Alan. Were you using your 75-300mm lens? Linda R
bubbalinn - Feb 01, 2010 09:04 AM EDT
Hi Anne and Ann :) Thank you both for your very nice comments. I'm glad you liked my little story leading up to this photo. I have been chasing the birds around here for years so maybe the grandparents, parents, and the kids now days are use to me LOL... You know Anne, the way this one came up to me I think it wanted to show off it's beauty or handsomeness, from what I've read the male and female look the same or close.
A.Lovely - Jan 31, 2010 05:23 PM EDT
What a wonderful capture of the wren, Alan. The detail of the bird is enjoyable to view. Like your info as well.
bubbalinn - Jan 31, 2010 03:31 PM EDT
Hi Claudia, They are pretty cool looking..Thanks for your nice comment, I'm glad you liked my photo.
anne - Jan 31, 2010 02:41 PM EDT
Hi - This was a really great shot, I thought. The wren looked like it knew you were and was making a great picture for you. You really showed off its beauty or it showed its beauty off to you. *g* Either way, a great picture, I thought. So clear and the accessories with it. *g* I always felt so at home in this group. I guess because my Mother taught us about birds from time we were little and she loved to take pictures. My what she would think of a camera of today. *grin*.
golda - Jan 31, 2010 11:31 AM EDT
What a great looking bird Alan.I love their desert colors.

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