Cactus Wren In Tree

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This is the Arizona State Bird, the Cactus Wren. I caught this one making a bunch of noise in one of our trees. They sound like a old car trying to start. The cactus wren has a distinctive white stripe over each eye and a longer than usual tail, which it does not normally cock up.

Cactus wrens frequent areas with thorny shrubs, cacti, and forage mostly on the ground around vegetation for insects, like beetles, ants, wasps, grasshoppers, and occasionally lizards. Some cactus fruit and berries along with seeds are also some of the things they like.

The wrens can run swiftly but usually fly if traveling any distance. Nests are made for roosting in at night and for shelter when the weather gets bad. The breeding season begins in March or April, and there may be up to three broods. Usually 4 to 5 eggs are laid and then incubated by the female for about 16 days.

The nest is a bulky, domed structure, made of plant fibers, twigs and dead leaves, with a tube-like side entrance that can be up to six inches long. It is lined with fur or feathers. The nest is situated on a prickly Cholla cactus or amid sharp leaves of a Yucca or other thorny bush.


bubbalinn - May 15, 2008 09:43 AM EDT
Hi Karen, Thanks for your very nice comment.. I'm glad you liked my photo and information. Sorry about the really slow reply, I have been up-dating my photos and keep finding photos I did not reply to.
Guest - Jan 12, 2006 10:14 PM EDT
This is a beautiful bird. I like how you captured the markings and colors. Enjoyed the info about a bird with which I am unfamiliar.
Guest - Jan 12, 2006 10:49 AM EDT
Hi Mary, Thanks again for your kind words. I have to confess, I added the little white reflection in the birds eye LOL.. It's just to easy to do and like you noticed it adds that extra touch.
Guest - Jan 11, 2006 09:40 AM EDT
Nice capture Alan. You can even see the little highlight in it's eye.

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