Cactus Wren In Desert

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

On my walk about today, the Cactus Wren were everywhere. I worked my way up on this one and got it's photo. They are pretty easy to get close to as long as you walk real slow. The Cactus Wren is the Arizona State Bird.


bubbalinn - Jan 14, 2010 10:43 AM EDT
Hi Mary, Thanks very much :) I really like chasing the critters and getting a nice photo is icing on the cake..
marysham - Jan 12, 2010 08:02 PM EDT
Good catch Alan. Nice detail and catch light in the eye.
bubbalinn - Jan 12, 2010 12:00 PM EDT
Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for all of your nice comments. Beverly I did cheat on the composition by cropping to improve it and make the bird larger, I need more zoom or be a lot sneakier LOL. I didn't think about the sepia look Claudia, everything is brown out here even the dirt, the cactus is always green though. Alandra, there not big but not small, They are body wise around the size of a baseball or just a little smaller. Ours are not timid at all, they will come in your house if you leave the door open. And they are pretty smart, they have figured out that there is usually some chips in my sons truck and if the window is down or the wing window is open there in.
shutterbug - Jan 12, 2010 06:34 AM EDT
Great capture of the wren!
donwrob - Jan 12, 2010 06:09 AM EDT
Nice Wren captures Alan! Cute little guys. Don
alandrapal - Jan 12, 2010 03:27 AM EDT
great shot, Alan. What size is this wren? We have wrens here too, altho we don't often see them in the backyard, they are quite timid, -- but they are quite small birds, so was wondering if the cactus wrens are also small.
golda - Jan 12, 2010 01:40 AM EDT
Great colour palette in this image Alan.Resembles sepia tones.
talsi - Jan 11, 2010 10:28 PM EDT
Nice shot and composition

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