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Member: Dudley
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About This Image

This building is where the Spanish, French, and Louisiana governments met. It is also where the Louisiana Purchase was signed and was used as a jail to hold Pierre Lafitte among others. There was also a courtroom here in which the preliminary case of Plessy v Ferguson was heard among others.


Guest - Nov 14, 2005 08:16 PM EDT
Thanks Whittler!! Yes, it is a great building and to think about 1/3 of the United States was purchased in this building.
Guest - Nov 14, 2005 06:31 PM EDT
WOW!! what a nice shot Dud,great old building too.
Guest - Nov 14, 2005 04:35 PM EDT
Thanks for the comment. There is a reason that the architecture looks so European. It was designed and constructed by 1st or 2nd generation European immigrants.
Guest - Nov 14, 2005 11:02 AM EDT
Amazing history of this building. The architecture looks like something from Paris, France. Nice shot.

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