Buzzard Soaring Over Me

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

While out chasing the rabbits and birds around the desert I noticed this guy keeping a eye on me. On his second fly by I got this photo of his ugly face. The wind was blowing like normal and they love it, they can soar for hours on end.


bubbalinn - May 09, 2008 10:26 AM EDT
Hi Ann, Thanks for your nice comment :) They are fun to watch as they soar around with no effort at all. I know they will not attack me but when they get close they are scary because they are so big and ugly. I think I will try and crop this to see if I can show there ugly face.
A.Lovely - May 08, 2008 07:14 PM EDT
Wowsa! Now this is scary bird, Alan. If that was flying close over me, I'd begin to worry. LOL Great capture Alan! In the large version it's something else..!
bubbalinn - May 08, 2008 06:53 PM EDT
Hi Alex and Jas, Thanks very much for your fun comments.. Well Alex I sure hope they are not after me LOL.. I think they are just curious, when I get way out in the desert they will usually buzz by. Yep Jas they are pretty ugly and the red head does not help there looks. Just don't play dead and you will be safe ROFL..
Jas - May 08, 2008 05:07 PM EDT
I didn't realise that buzzards were ugly birds. We have them here and I've not managed to get a decent shot of one yet - not sure I'm going to try, now I've seen this one close up. LOL Great shot Alan! :)
whittler113 - May 08, 2008 03:26 PM EDT
Thats a great shot of that ugly bird Bubba,You don't suppose he came around the second time thinkin he was going to get a piece of you,do you? LOL I have seen them around here but not very low.
bubbalinn - May 08, 2008 01:47 PM EDT
Hi Carol and Don, Thanks again for your nice comments. The large version does look a tad better, usually it's the other way around LOL.. I guess they are handsome to there moms :) Don they have been around here for ever, I see them just about every time I go out in the desert. This one was flying extra low for some reason.
donwrob - May 08, 2008 07:51 AM EDT
Aww, they are handsome devils aren't they Alan.....LOL. I remember you got a kick out of one of my composites that mentioned the buzzard pic was taken from my yard! I'm glad to see they are flying around your place now...haha. Don
shutterbug - May 08, 2008 06:01 AM EDT
Awesome bird, really awesome when you bring up the large image! Carol

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