Bush Stream

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Score: 13.7
Views: 149
Member: TMR8
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About This Image

this stream is at Turuturu Mokau in Taranaki. It has been left to grow wild.


Guest - May 08, 2007 09:11 PM EDT
Steve WOW coming from you that means alot to me thank you
Guest - May 08, 2007 03:05 AM EDT
It's hard when taking a photo of this kind of subject to impose some form of structure on the randomness of nature. I think you've succeeded here Tania, as we've got a clear sense of foreground, middle and distance. The diagonals of the trees, and the reflections in the water, help to make the fern a focal point. Nice image.
Guest - May 07, 2007 04:45 AM EDT
Lorraine thank you for the comment and for showing me where this place was
Guest - May 07, 2007 04:38 AM EDT
That was a nice shot Tania, the green on the trunks and the fern hanging into the water,

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