Bully Horse

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Member: Lulu
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I zoomed in on these horses to discover that one was picking on another. This is a touch out of focus but I like the way it shows the movement of the horses.


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Jacksonfeeno - Oct 06, 2022 12:18 PM EDT
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ArturoAluro - Sep 27, 2022 03:11 PM EDT
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Alfresco - Oct 03, 2009 02:59 PM EDT
So, they've got the mean ones in strait jackets? ;-) Bruce
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 10:05 PM EDT
Great Shot.
Guest - Jul 07, 2006 04:57 PM EDT
Thanks for your comment. I went to see these horses the other day and it was the white one that was the bully. He was biting at all the others (there is about 8 in total) and not letting any get near us. Must have thought we had some food for them. He went away after a while and I managed to get some photos.
Guest - Jul 07, 2006 02:07 PM EDT
Very nice love Colors Of their coats.
Guest - Sep 15, 2005 02:28 AM EDT
Thanks for your comment WebSphinx. I'm glad someone knows what I'm on about with the movie and song "To Sir with Love". I remember having to watch the movie as a teenager and just fell in love with it (and the song). I have a similar love for the movie "the posiedon adventure" which was released the day I was born! I'm so glad that you loved the shot of the horses. Its proving to be a popular one in my gallery - and I never would have guessed. Its also fascinating to see that people actually read ALL of the other comments on photos.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 09:30 PM EDT
WHEW! Loved the shot of the horses. Loved all the banter in the comments! Loved the movie TO SIR, WITH LOVE. Am old enough that I bought the record, a 45, when it was released, because I loved the title song, too.
Guest - Aug 09, 2005 05:13 AM EDT
Um - how does all this talk of Lulu relate to the horses? Just joking - you go for it - and I hope you enjoy your DVD when it arrives Mary! I agree, Lulu is great (both Lulu - my sister, and Lulu - the singer!)
Guest - Aug 09, 2005 04:05 AM EDT
I'm sure you will love it! She sure is a great performer. I have liked her songs ever since I was a kid and can remember watching the movie "To Sir with Love" in class at highschool as a teenager. We must have been studying something relating to it at the time. Its about a teacher who takes on a troubled, rowdy class that no teacher has succeeded with in the past and changes their lives around completely. Lulu is one of the teenagers and also one of the main stars. She sings her song of the same title in the movie. I just love that song and have it on CD. Let me know what you think of it when you get your DVD and you should also track down the movie at a local video store or something.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 09:14 PM EDT
Lulu, I have to add, I just ordered a DVD concert of her at Amazon. I found it when checking her out! It was filmed in 1989 in her hometown at the Glasgow Pavilion and she does the songs you mentioned. Can't wait to get it now.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 08:49 PM EDT
Yes, its the same Lulu. Great singer and the movie I was talking about is really old. She has been singing since she was about 15 and had hits on the charts even at that age. You should check out some of her older stuff - its good! Ha, I know all this yet she was a hit before I was born.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 08:40 PM EDT
Lulu, here are a couple of her web pages.The DVD I have is called Red and White Blues and she just goes by Lulu.She is 56 yo according to one web site. http://www.luluofficial.com/ http://www.lulu.co.uk/
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 05:57 PM EDT
I'm pretty sure she is the same one. Some older songs of hers are Shout and To Sir With Love which is also a movie she acted in as a 15 year old. If its the same person, I can see why you like her, she is great. She came to New Zealand last year I think and performed at one of the local wineries. I missed it though as she was only a supporting artist and there are so many people that go to those concerts (its local but can be very hard to get tickets) I just couldn't be bothered with all the cars, alcohol etc.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 03:02 PM EDT
I don't know about her being an actress but she has blond hair and appears to be short/little. :)I'll have to check the DVD and see if her name is listed.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 02:43 PM EDT
Is she an actress as well and a little blonde haired woman?
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 09:46 AM EDT
Lulu the blues singer would be from the 60's. She appeared with Tom Jones, Jeff Beck and a lot of other British blues guys.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 06:23 AM EDT
I drove past these horses the other day and they were much calmer. I'm going to take another walk when its a finer day and try and get another shot of them. I think the ones in the paddock next door are friendlier but on this particular day, they had just been fed so were way out of camera shot. I'm glad you all like this photo. Oh Mary, I think I know Lulu the singer. Is she the same one from the 60's or is there another one out there?
Guest - Aug 03, 2005 04:57 PM EDT
WOW!! nice shot,I guess he must be the alpha male, and keeping the others in line.
Guest - Aug 03, 2005 04:38 PM EDT
I like the name of the picture but I meant your name Lulu. It is the name of a Blues Singer from England that I really like (have a DVD concert) with her singing with other artists also. Lurene is also lovely! :)
Guest - Aug 03, 2005 04:04 AM EDT
Mary, was meant to ask if it was the name of the picture you liked or my name itself as my real name is Lurene. I just go by Lulu as people can spell it. Thanks also to Shirree, Alandra and Carol for your comments.
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 02:34 PM EDT
I really tried to get some close-up shots of these horses but they wouldn't come close to me. They would start running up to me, like in this photo, and then run off. I had to have my camera on maximum zoom while standing on the side of the road in wet grass up to my knees. That is why I'm glad it turned out and you all like it. Thanks so much for your nice comments.
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 12:03 PM EDT
neat photo! unusual
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 11:22 AM EDT
Great capture Lulu. I like your name too!
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 05:33 AM EDT
Great picture, beautiful horses!!! Carol
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 05:12 AM EDT
Great photo!! What a meanie. It's as if the middle horse is saying "move along buddy, she wants a photo of me,I'm the handsome one" as the horse on the right gives you his best magazine cover pose.

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