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Member: Doug Hough
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About 30 layers (+/-) plus special effects filters. Thanks for looking.


anne - Feb 20, 2008 02:46 PM EDT
A surreal beautiful picture! One that can hold me captive for quite a while just looking at each separate bubble and dreaming. Beautiful picture!!
A.Lovely - Jan 30, 2008 12:44 PM EDT
Oh my, this is certainly unique. Thanks for the discription. I like it very much.
nanakiwi - Jan 29, 2008 11:40 PM EDT
Great work, it really caught my eye wanting me to take a closer look. Well done and makes me think 'I wish'
Guest - May 02, 2007 06:10 AM EDT
i fink dis work is gr8
Guest - Apr 26, 2007 12:40 PM EDT
Hi Jim, All of the work I do is created in Photoshop. Once you have Photoshop you can purchase after market filters that work in the Photoshop program to create additional special effects. These particular filters are from the Flaming Pear company and can be downloaded from their web site. For this image I used the "Flexify" filter and the "Flood" filter (to create the water). The bubbles themselves are composed of multiple layers using different images that I have on file. Once the layered image is created in Photoshop, the Flexify filter is used to convert it into a bubble. Next is pasted onto the background sky photo, scaled and positioned. After everything is placed where I want it, the layers are all merged together and the flood filter is applied to create the water effect and reflections. I hope that answers your question. Thanks for your interest and comments. Best Wishes, Doug
Guest - Apr 26, 2007 09:04 AM EDT
Hey Doug, I am new to this site and new to photography also, I love your work! Could you tell me how you did this one? I use Gimp, is the a plugin that I need for my filters? My bubbles are nothing like yours ! Thank you! Jim
Guest - Apr 26, 2007 08:47 AM EDT
Hey Doug, I am new to this site and new to photography also, I love your work! Could you tell me how you did this one? I use Gimp, is the a plugin that I need for my filters? My bubbles are nothing like yours ! Thank you! Jim
Guest - Nov 22, 2006 12:49 AM EDT
Hi Talsi, Thank you for commenting, your thoughts are always appreciated. Best Wishes, Doug
Guest - Nov 21, 2006 07:47 PM EDT
Striking! So much to look at. Great Job!
Guest - Jul 19, 2006 09:35 AM EDT
Hi Stace, Photoshop does have a bit of a learning curve. I have some tutorials I made up explaining how to do these things, with sample pictures. Anyone who would like a copy is welcome to them, just email me and I'll attach the samples to my reply. Just be sure to include something in the subject line so I know it isn't spam. Doug :)
Guest - Jul 16, 2006 05:04 AM EDT
Wow... =) I have a bunch of programs & have tried out a ton but I've yet to produce anything decent. I guess I'm not sure how to start & end up using a graphic or image I already have saved or someone sent me. Funny thing is, I'd love to go into the field of digital imaging! I just don't think I have the patience to learn what I need to. I've been using & messing with Photoshop for a good 3 or 4 years now but haven't really picked up anything new. (btw, I have a bunch of filters by FlamingPear. Someone recommended them to me & they have a ton of free downloads & are fun to play around with!) Again, amazing work!!!!
Guest - Jul 07, 2006 08:40 AM EDT
Hi Niko and Karen, Thank you both for your comments. Niko, this was created using special effects filters and a combination of 20 photographs. Doug :)
Guest - Jul 06, 2006 09:14 PM EDT
Amazing artistic creation with vivd color. Beautiful!
Guest - Jul 06, 2006 08:31 PM EDT
! how is that possible!!
Guest - Jan 30, 2006 08:07 PM EDT
Hi Vince, Thank you for commenting. This particular image took about 30 minutes to create and is one of four versions. The core images inside the bubbles are stock fantasy photos composed of multiple photo merged together. They were created at different times over the past couple of years. I have about 400 of these composites on file. I appreciate your interest and support. Doug :)
Guest - Jan 30, 2006 02:45 PM EDT
Wow great effects and can see the time spent on this image was well worth it.Thanks for sharing.
Guest - Jan 29, 2006 02:48 PM EDT
Thanks Doug. I followed the link and had a look around. Some great filter options there. At present we only have ArcSoft PhotoSuite 5.5 on board though have other packages available to install (system crash a while back). Must hunt though again, and go look at your gallery.
Guest - Jan 28, 2006 04:40 PM EDT
Wow, I can just imagine the hours of work that have gone into this. I admire the way you've blended everything together with reflections and that filter that's producing the shimmer effect, as if the bubbles are emerging from a liquid. I don't use Photoshop so I'm not sure the name of the filter you're using but you've certainly used it to create a great effect. Wonderful work! http://www.silverdebster.com/images/Creations/AKcreations.html this one was done to give a water reflection effect but we didn't have a suitable filter. The ripples in the water layer were painstakingly cut out from the reflection layer below.
Guest - Jan 28, 2006 08:19 AM EDT
Thank you both for your kind comments and support. Doug :)
Guest - Jan 28, 2006 07:25 AM EDT
Very pretty, great effects. Carol
Guest - Jan 28, 2006 03:15 AM EDT
fabulous. love it!

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