Brown Finch On Branch

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

It was cold and windy today so I just stayed home and watched the birds trying to hang on to the branches. Well it did not take long and I was shooting them through my homes windows. This was my best one for the day. The window gave the photo a soft look.


Guest - Nov 29, 2006 05:14 PM EDT
Thats a lovely photo of the cute bird,I love the expresion on the cute face. Carol
Guest - Nov 29, 2006 04:45 PM EDT
WOW!! thats a wicked good shot,I shoot through a double pane window quite a lot myself.
Guest - Nov 29, 2006 01:21 PM EDT
Thanks Talsi, Alandra, and Don for your nice comments. Alandra I hear ya about opening a window, it was way to cold to open them. It was 30 degrees here this morning and with the low front going through Arizona right now the wind is really blowing today. Hey Don, a dirty window is a real cheap filter LOL.. I'm really surprised that any of my photos came out, the birds were moving up and down on the branches from all the wind.
Guest - Nov 29, 2006 06:47 AM EDT
Very nice effect Alan. It looks like you used a special filter to soften it a touch, rather than shot through a window. The finch has a dreamy look about it and the light softness helps. Nice work, Don
Guest - Nov 29, 2006 05:52 AM EDT
I agree. have considered doing this myself lately, as it's quite cold now if I stay at the open window very long, since we are in a surprise "deep freeze". Supposed to vanish on Friday (good)
Guest - Nov 28, 2006 09:37 PM EDT
Nice job for shooting through the window.

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