Broken Pine Tree

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Score: 14.83
Views: 134
Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

A few trees were lost to the ice storm of 12/12/08, in my area. This big old pine lost some of it's branches under the weight of the ice.


shutterbug - Dec 14, 2008 04:53 PM EDT
Same thing happening here in So.Maine and some are still without power. Carol
A.Lovely - Dec 14, 2008 12:27 PM EDT
Hi there Talsi, Thank you for stopping by this photograph and leaving a comment. Yes, the ice was so wonderful to view. Although, there were many people left without lights for many hours and ,of course, trees down everywhere. We lost a beautiful apple tree and birches that were many years old. So I guess there is two side to this situation.
talsi - Dec 13, 2008 10:35 PM EDT
I bet the ice was pretty - even though damaging. Nice image showing what the weight of the ice can do.

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