British Cemetery on Ocracoke Island

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This tiny cemetery honors 4 unknown British sailers whose ship was destroyed (no survivors) by a German U-boat near the end of WW11 of the coast of Ocracoke Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

This cemetery is deeded to England, but the US Coast Guard tends it.


Guest - Sep 06, 2005 11:45 AM EDT
Hi Alandra - Virginia Dare was the first white child born in the US. Much of the area's is history is slightly fuzzy with many stories based on legends and folklore due to incomplete records of the times. Virginia's birth was one of the first documented facts.
Guest - Sep 06, 2005 11:45 AM EDT
Hi Alandra - Virginia Dare was the first white child born in the US. Much of the area's is history is slightly fuzzy with many stories based on legends and folklore due to incomplete records of the times. Virginia's birth was one of the first documented facts.
Guest - Sep 05, 2005 11:10 PM EDT
have only just seen this one, Vicki, very interesting - naturally, it would hold an interest for me, being about gravesites of unknown Brit sailors : ) -- as well as this, you mentioned the birthplace nearby of the first white child born in America, - well this could very well be one of my ancestors, as the surname was DARE, I believe, which is the name of one of my ancestors (should get the DNA tested) - my great great grandmother on my dad's line was a Sarah DARE, and her dad, William DARE was my great X 3 grandfather, miller of Feniton, Devon. I've gone back to the early 1500's with some of my dad's ancestors. haven't been working on the family history for sometime, got too addicted to photography : )
Guest - Jun 13, 2005 10:34 PM EDT
Thank you again, Carol. I rather like this lifestyle!
Guest - Jun 13, 2005 09:57 AM EDT
Vicki you are so lucky to get to travel to all these interesting places and we are so lucky you share your wonderful pictures with us. Thankyou so much. Carol
Guest - Jun 13, 2005 09:37 AM EDT
Thank you, Carol. The entire Outer Banks area is LOADED with history - the first white child was born nearby and many stories of the earliest settlers shrouded in mystery and myth. Shipwreck buffs, civil war and Great War followers will never be bored - . ocracoke Island is only approachable by air or water. If you've read any of Mary Sham's comments you'll realize that the Outer Banks have something for everyone. Plus, it's mostly NationalSeashore now, and can never be overdeveloped - some areas are protected from Man's greed forever. You can't even see the mainland from here in Waves, North Carolina
Guest - Jun 12, 2005 05:17 PM EDT
Very nice cemetery picture, very interesting, the history on it. Carol
Guest - Jun 12, 2005 03:56 PM EDT
Cripes, Mary - I just got this posted! I knew you were curious about this one, so I put it up. I also got a good photo of the one behind Ocracoke Light Station, and the family plots around the British Cemetery. Next time we go down by Cape Hat I'll check out the British cemetery by there too.
Guest - Jun 12, 2005 03:48 PM EDT
I was hoping you would find this spot. Did you find the other old graves? Great shot!

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